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Curriculum 2023

Curriculum 2023 Food Science and Technology Study Program

Evaluation of curriculum implementation at Food Science and Technology Study Program (FST SP) UNHAS is carried out every four years to follow the development of science, applicable regulations, or the needs of the industrial world (DUDI) and stakeholders.

Curriculum updating at Food Science and Technology Study Program (FST SP) UNHAS is carried out every four years, the 2015 PS ITP UNHAS Curriculum was then updated to the 2019 Curriculum. The preparation of the 2019 FST SP UNHAS Curriculum is also based on the Hasanuddin University Academic Senate Regulation on the Hasanuddin University Study Program Curriculum Development Policy (Number: 46929/UN.4/IT.03/2016).

The 2019 Curriculum Workshop at the study program level was held in May 2019, then finalized at the Faculty of Agriculture level curriculum workshop in August 2021. Like the previous curriculum workshop activities (Curriculum 2015), this workshop also involved various stakeholders from alumni, industry, government, scientific associations (PATPI), UNHAS Quality Assurance and Education Development Institute (LPMPP), and of course also involved lecturers,
students, and education staff to get input in order to update the curriculum.

In 2020, the Ministry of Education and Culture issued the Merdeka Policy Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM), as an elaboration of Permendikbud Number 3 of 2020 article 15 paragraph (2). In this MBKM policy, students are given the right to study for a maximum of three semesters outside the study program, namely (1) different study programs in the same university, (2) the same study program outside the university, (3) different study programs outside the university, and (4) various forms of activities outside the university in the MBKM learning channel.

To add input and keep up with the development of science and technology, during the preparation of the curriculum, curriculum searches were carried out at the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST) which are international references for the curriculum of study programs with food technology science.

The 2019 curriculum is also aligned with the Food Technology undergraduate education standards issued by the Indonesian Food Technologists Association (PATPI). In addition to curriculum alignment in accordance with KKNI level 6 components, the 2019 PS ITP curriculum also adopts the provisions of Outcome Based Education (OBE) based on the Dean’s Task Letter Number: 2993/UN4.16.1/DL.14.06/2018 concerning the improvement of the OBE-based curriculum.

The curriculum of the Food Science and Technology Study Program was approved by the senate of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University Curriculum 2023 UNHAS 15 Food Science and Technology Study Program in accordance with Decree No. 6972/UN4.10/KR.00.01/2019 on the Ratification of the Faculty of Agriculture Curriculum: 6972/UN4.10/KR.00.01/2019 concerning Ratification of the Faculty of Agriculture Curriculum.

Graduate Profile and Competencies

The graduate profile is the field and competency of graduates expected from the designed curriculum.

The profile of ITP graduates is the expected field of work in accordance with the designed curriculum, namely:

  1. Industry / agency employees in the food sector. Able to apply the principles of food science and technology related to food processing as employees in the fields of Research and Development (R&D), logistics, production, Quality control, and Quality Assurance.
  2. MSME Facilitator/Industry Consultant in the Food sector. Have the ability to solve problems in the food industry by applying a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical concepts and principles of food science and technology, as well as in the fields of food product development; food safety and quality; food product systems.
  3. Academics. Have the ability to disseminate knowledge about food science and technology with good character and attitude.
  4. Entrepreneur in Food Field. Have the ability to manage food processing businesses and industries from small, medium to industrial scale.
  5. Researcher in Food Field. Have the ability to analyze and conduct experiments, analysis, data processing, and dissemination of research results in the field of food science and technology.

Based on the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), the competencies of undergraduate graduates must fulfill three (3) aspects of competence, namely (1) aspects of ability in the field of work; (2) aspects of the scope of work based on the knowledge mastered; and (3) aspects of managerial ability.

  1. Aspects of ability in the field of work. Able to apply the field of food science and technology which includes aspects of food chemistry, microbiology, food process engineering, or food biotechnology in solving problems in the field of food science and technology.
  2. Aspects of knowledge mastered. Able to master theoretical concepts in the field of food science and technology in general and specifically in depth, and able to formulate procedural problem solving.
  3. Managerial skills. Able to make the right decisions based on information and data analysis, and able to provide guidance in choosing various alternatives to solve problems in the field of food science and technology.

alignment of the KKNI scope of competence, KKNI level 6 competency descriptions with the competencies of UNHAS ITP S1 graduates

  1. Specific job skills. Able to design the process of adding value to food ingredients based on the principles of food science and technology by combining various operating units to produce safe, nutritious and quality food products.
  2. Special knowledge mastered. Mastering knowledge of the principles of food science and technology (chemistry and analysis of food / agricultural products, microbiology and food safety, food processing engineering, food biochemistry and nutrition) to be formulated in integrated process design techniques.
  3. Managerial skills. Able to communicate orally and in writing about technical and non-technical aspects, think critically and take responsibility for their work independently, work in teams, interact with people from different backgrounds, skilled in organizing and leading in various situations, utilize information sources, and have a commitment to professionalism and ethical values.

Study Materials

The study materials in the FST SP Unhas curriculum refer to the Bachelor's Degree Education Standards in Food Science and Technology according to the KKNI Edition 2 Revised December 2021 which has been prepared by the Indonesian Food Technology Experts Association (PATPI) in Decree No. 03/SK-PATPI/XII/2013 concerning Bachelor's Degree Education Standards in Food Technology.

Body of Knowledge PS ITP Unhas

  • Explain the chemical structure of food components, their functions, and the main chemical reactions they involve, as well as their relationship with the characteristics of food ingredients and products.
  • Apply the principles of food chemistry in controlling chemical reactions that occur in food.
  • Explain the main chemical reactions that influence deterioration and limit the shelf life of food ingredients and products.
  • Explain the principles of food analysis techniques and methods.
  • Skilled in performing basic chemical and applied chemical analysis techniques on food ingredients.
  • Choose chemical analysis techniques according to the characteristics of the ingredients and the needs of the analysis objectives.

Food Microbiology

  • Identify the types of microorganisms in food that are useful, pathogenic and cause spoilage, as well as their growth conditions
  • Explain the influence of environmental conditions (e.g. water activity, pH, temperature and oxygen) on the adaptability, growth and inactivation of microbes.
  • Describe appropriate conditions for killing or controlling spoilage and pathogenic microbes in food.
  • Apply the principles of food preservation and processing through fermentation process.
  • Apply microbiological analysis methods to identify microorganisms in food.
    Select appropriate microbiological analysis methods to identify microbes in food.

Food Safety

  • Explain the occurrence of food contamination caused by physical, chemical and biological contaminants.
  • Describe suitable methods to control physical, chemical and biological hazards in food.
  • Describe suitable methods to control physical, chemical and biological hazards in food.
  • Evaluate suitable conditions (including sanitation practices) for controlling pathogenic microbes in food production.
  • Select sampling techniques appropriate to environmental conditions.
  • Develop a plan for a food safety system in a food production process.
  • Formulate mass and energy balance in a food production process.
  • Explain the sources and diversity of food raw materials and their influence on food processing operations.
  • Design a production process on an industrial scale to produce safe and quality food products.
  • Use unit operations and food processing equipment to produce a food product on a laboratory or pilot plant scale.
  • Explain the effect of preservation and processing methods on the quality of food products.
  • Select types of food packaging and packaging methods appropriate to food properties, process and storage conditions.
  • Explain the principles and practices of cleaning and sanitizing food processing facilities.
  • Explain the principles and methods of water treatment for food processing, as well as handling waste from food processing.
  • Explain biochemical processes, basic concepts of nutrition science and the relationship between food consumption and nutritional status.
  • Relate the function of food (nutrients and bioactive components) to human health (over- or under-nutrition).
  • Explain the biological role of food (nutrients and bioactive components), and the positive and negative effects of consuming food in natural and processed forms on health.
  • Explain changes in nutrients during processing and storage.
  • Apply basic laboratory techniques in biochemical analysis and biological value of food components.

Sensory Science

  • Explain the basic physiology and psychology of sensory testing.
  • Apply experimental design and statistical methods to be applied in sensory testing.
  • Select appropriate sensory test methods to solve product-related problems.

Food Quality Assurance Management

  • Explain the terminology of quality, food quality assurance and control.
  • Apply the principles of quality assurance and control in the food industry.
  • Apply standards and specifications of certain food products.
  • Evaluate the implementation of food quality control systems (e.g. Statistical process control).

Food Regulation and Legislation

  • Describe the government regulatory framework required in the production and marketing of food products.
  • Describe the process of formulating policies and regulations in the food sector.
  • Apply applicable food rules and regulations according to the context.
  • Analyze a specific case and relate it to the applicable food rules and regulations.

Oral and Written Communication

  • Write a technical paper that is appropriate to the context of the problem being studied.
  • Demonstrate oral presentation in a scientific forum.
  • Prepare visual information materials related to food science for diverse audiences.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

  • Utilize sources of information and scientific evidence.
  • Apply critical and analytical thinking skills for problem solving and decision making.
  • Apply food science principles to practical problems and real-life situations.
  • Select appropriate analytical techniques when faced with practical/real-life problems.
  • Evaluate scientific evidence and process it into information to make conclusions or decisions.

Professionalism and Leadership

  • Demonstrate the ability to work independently and in teams, and lead in groups.
  • Carry out tasks/projects with good time management to achieve set goals/targets.
  • Demonstrate social and cultural skills in a diverse society.
  • Describe examples related to professionalism and ethics in the
    the field of food science

Course Distribution

To become a Bachelor of Food Science and Technology, each student is required to complete a minimum of 144 credits of courses. We develop a curriculum that is spread over eight (8) semesters, which can be completed in a maximum of 3.5 years.
Course Code
No. Course Name Credits Status
1 23U01110902 Bahasa Indonesia 2 M
2 23U01111002 Wawasan Sosial Budaya Bahari/Maritim & IPTEK BMI 2 M
3 23U01111102 Bahasa Inggris 2 M
4 23H01110103 Matematika Dasar 3 M
5 23H03112703 Kimia Dasar 3 M
6 23H04110103 Biologi Dasar 3 M
7 23H02110703 Fisika Dasar 3 M
8 23G04110202 Pengantar Teknologi Pertanian 2 M
Total Study Load 20

M: Mandatory
E: Elective

No. Course Code Course Name Credits Status
9 23U01110702 Pendidikan Pancasila 2 M
10 23U01110802 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2 M
11 23U01110…02 Pendidikan Agama…. 2 M
12 23G03110102 Kalkulus 2 M
13 23G03110202 Kimia Analitik 2 M
14 23G03110302 Kimia Organik 2 M
15 23G03110402 Mikrobiologi Umum 2 M
16 23G03110502 Manajemen Industri Pangan 2 M
17 23G03110602 Aplikasi Kimia Analitik dan Kimia Organik 2 M
18 23G03110702 Aplikasi Teknik Laboratorium 2 M
Total study load 20
No. Course Code Course Name Credits Status
19 23G03120102 Evaluasi Gizi Pangan 2 M
20 23G03120202 Kimia Pangan 2 M
21 23G03120302 Metode Penulisan dan Penyajian Ilmiah 2 M
22 23G03120402 Mikrobiologi dan Keamanan Pangan 2 M
23 23G03120502 Pengawasan dan Pengendalian Mutu Pangan 2 M
24 23G03120602 Kimia Fisik Koloid 2 M
25 23G03120702 Analisa Pangan 2 M
26 23G03120802 Aplikasi Perubahan Fisik dan Kimia Pangan 2 M
27 23G03120902 Biokimia Pangan 2 M
28 23G03121002 Statistik dan Rancangan Percobaan 2 M
29 23G03121102 Sanitasi dan Pengelolaan Limbah Industri 2 M
30 23G03121202 Aplikasi Mikrobiologi dan Keamanan Pangan 2 M
Total Study Load 24
No. Course Code Course Name Credits Status
31 23G03121302 Rekayasa Pengolahan Pangan 2 M
32 23G03121402 Mikrobiologi Industri 2 M
33 23G03121502 Aplikasi Biokimia dan Fisiologi 2 M
Pasca Panen
34 23G03121603 Alat dan Mesin Pengolahan Pangan 2 M
35 23G03131703 Analisa Sensori 3 M
36 23G03131802 Fisiologi dan Teknologi Pasca Panen 2 M
37 23G03131902 Teknologi Pengolahan dan 2 M
38 23G03122002 Teknologi Fermentasi 2 M
39 23G03122102 Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan 2 M
40 23G03122202 Teknologi Pengolahan Daging, Susu, dan Telur 2 M
41 23G03122303 Teknologi Pengolahan Pati dan Gula 3 M
Total study load 24
No. Course Code Course Name Credits Status
42 23G03130102 Aplikasi Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Hewani 2 M
43 23G03130202 Teknologi Pengolahan Buah dan Sayur 2 M
44 23G03130302 Teknologi Pengolahan Kelapa, Kopi, dan Kakao 2
45 23G03130402 Aplikasi Bioteknologi Pangan 2 M
46 23G03130502 Teknologi Pengolahan Legum dan Serealia 2 M
47 23G03130602 Teknologi Pengolahan Minyak dan Lemak 2 M
48 23G03130702 Aplikasi Teknologi Pengolahan Hasil Nabati 2 M
49 23G03130802 Teknologi Pengemasan 2 M
50 23G03130902 Kewirausahaan 2 M


Mandatory Concentration Course (MKWK) (elective) 6 SKS

23G03131002 Teknologi Enzim 2
23G03131102 Teknologi Pengolahan Rempah dan Minyak Atsiri 2
23G03131202 Pangan Fungsional 2
23G03131303 Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Produksi 2
23G03131402 Riset Operasional 2
23G03131502 Teknologi Penyimpanan dan Penggudangan 2
23G03131602 Teknologi Pengolahan Pangan Sehat 2
23G03131702 HACCP 2
23G03131802 Teknologi Pemanfaatan Limbah Pangan 2
23G03131902 Tata Letak dan Perencanaan Industri Pangan 2
23G03132002 Teknologi Pengolahan Rumput 2
Total study load 24
23UH01XX02 Komunikasi dan Kerjasama 2
23UH02XX02 Manajemen Kegiatan 2
23UH03XX02 Strategi Negoisasi 2
23UH04XX02 Pembelajaran Aktif 2
23UH05XX02 Komunikasi Digital 2
23UH06XX02 Empati Sosial 2
23UH07XX02 Keberagaman Budaya 2
23UH08XX02 Pengembangan Masyarakat 2
23UH09XX02 Kewirausahaan Rintisan 2
23UH10XX04 Kewirausahaan Rintisan 4
23UH11XX02 Kepemimpinan Inovatif 2
23UH12XX02 Pengambilan Keputusan 3
23UH13XX02 Pemecahan Masalah 2
23UH14XX02 Etika Profesi 2
23UH15XX02 Berpikir kritis dan kreatif 2
23UH16XX02 Kreativitas solutif 2
23UH17XX02 Inovasi dan pemikiran desain 2
23UH18XX01 Pengembangan talenta 1
23UH18XX02 Pengembangan talenta 2
23UH20XX02 Literasi dan presentasi ilmiah 2
23UH21XX02 Magang/praktek kerja 4
23UH22XX03 Studi/proyek independen 2
23UH23XX04 Studi/proyek independen 4
23UH24XX06 Studi/proyek independen 6
23UH25XX09 Riset Mandiri 20
23UH26XX02 Pengembangan kreativitas dan inovasi 20
23UH27XX04 Kepemimpinan dan Karakter 20
Bela Negara
23UH28XX06 Kemaslahatan BMI (proyek 20
23UH29XX20 Pengembangan dan penguatan kewirausahaan 20
23UH30XX20 Praktek Dunia Usaha Dunia Industri 20
23UH31XX20 Pengembangan karakter humanis 20
Total Study Load 20
23G03140101 Seminar Proposal 1
23G03140201 Seminar Hasil 1
23G03140306 Skripsi/Tugas Akhir 6
General subjects (44 credits) 0
Food and Science Core Courses (67 credits) 0
Elective Courses (16 credits) 0
Final Project Course (18 credits) 0

Becoming a Food Science and Technology (ITP) Study Program as one of the leading centers for education, research, and development of food science and technology in Indonesia in supporting food agro-industry based on maritime continent-based cultural values.

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